Monday, June 22, 2009entries
Ironically, i spent father's day with my aunt and not my dad. We went shopping at vivo! yeah awesome had a wonderful day catching up with my aunt and i stayed over at her house again!
The weekend service totally blew my mind away. Zone F service, Ivan preached about us being the generation of now and the Peter Generation, so we are no longer the future! Also Pst Troy preached about us having a covenant with God. It's a deeper understanding for us about reaping and sowing. We reap and we sow sounds good?
Follow on, i had discipleship class with Dom. He shared with us about preparation! We must prepare. Preparation makes a difference to others! We must be faithful to even the smallest things we do, we never know how great it is going to make an impact on someone. Another life! How great would that be!
Zone F is the most exciting bunch of people we can find on planet earth! I had a great time with xiaojiao, jeanie and gab going crazy abut the Ezekiel cheer. Crazy photos :D

Wednesday, June 17, 2009entries
We have never failed create fun out of nothing and that's why we are called Zone F :D Some cool photos on our way back to church from the cage!
Yeah awesome. Life was never so great. I am starting to dread for the start of school. But still. I'm surprise that i have started studying! In the midst of fun, i shall persevere till the end of this race and i believe i can use my results to glorify God :D
Kenn and Junzhou are on stomp! they are famous. New happening things on facebook, After winyu gummy bear photos, facebook have been so silent but now we have got esther lim's cool hairstyle photo which attracted much attention, till now
it have attracted up to 600+ comments!
Stomp link: link:, holiday have been great so far. extra lessons (TGIO!) Zone F campppppp! the best camp ever. and now a week for studies and outing, one more week to go! now let the pictures do the talking :D life's great i must say.
What a cool and exciting holiday!

Sunday, May 31, 2009entries
I have decided to blog :D Since it's supposedly the start of 'holiday' for everyone. I foresee the long week before me will be over in a breeze. yes amen!
I am 10 hours and 55mins away from my O level Chinese paper. Mann i have always thought that O level is still far away but now, it's less than one day away! yeah i must get my A1 for my Chinese. Still i am excited for tomorrow's sentosa trip. It's going to be great yo.
I realise i have got alot to catch up with God. Alot to catch up with man. Alot to catch up with studies. :O Perseverance is all we need yo.
只要有上主在我的身旁, 什么事都是可能的。
My Chinese is not bad right :D hahaha i shall stop and go and study my crap chinese. (:
Monday, May 11, 2009entries
Mother's day was a blast, Dad came for half a service at least, had a great talk with many amazing mothers in church! and not forgetting vanessa.
RedRain is coming to Singapore! :D So awesome mann. I just updated my computer phone with Redrain wallpaper! cool yo! You must join us on the 23rd and 24th of May for this BIGBIGBIG event!

Friday, May 08, 2009entries
Good evening earthlings ;D
this is so amazing, i finally manage out a few minutes to update this dead blog of mine. Life is going great. Church is expanding.! Growth, friendships, wow story and new revelations from God!
School have been great too! i love my sitting partner LIXIN (lix). I have been entertaning her since theday she started sitting beside me! andthat's my main source of happiness in school.
Things/ Results have turn for a better this term and hopefully the tudy rule will help even more. However, things are getting tougher, lessons are going crazy! tests are almost every week. Graded assignments are due. But still i am happy as ever!
Mother's Day is going to be exciting.! It's going to be an exciting weekend ahead! Amen.
Monday, April 13, 2009entries
This is my awesomest/bestest Easter ever! :D

Sunday, April 05, 2009entries
wow i haven't been blogging for such along time. Haha Zone F is so amazing, exciting that gave me the motivation to blog :D
New structures New system and everything neww! AWESOME MANN pastor lia's sermon was really good, the anointing from God, spells the word AWESOME.
Zone F outing was as usual goood! Things went crazy, we went spinning and dizzy. haha! let the photos do the talking :D